You can either just send a collection of pictures to your relatives, friends and business partners or you can surprise them! SeeYa! 2 will add voice and/or text comments to your slides and will create a compact self-executable or zip file that you can easily email to those you want to share your experiences with. SeeYa! creates a multimedia package which combines image, voice and text messages all in one ellegant presentation.
Add as many images as you need, and in almost any format. SeeYa! 2 supports all the best known image formats - BMP, CMS (Credit message), JPG, PCX, PNG, TIF, PCD (Kodak photo), WMF, EMF, GIF and PCT files. Every selected image will be displayed in a small box, and the “Floating Preview” option will allow you to see them in a more convenient size. Arrange them in the order of your preference and then you’re ready to record your messages. If you don’t have recording capabilities (or if you want to enhance your multimedia file) you can also add a text message to every slide.
Once you’re ready, SeeYa! 2 will let you choose between a “compact” or a “full-mode” slideshow. The former will compress and downsize the images creating a smaller file that you can transmit or mail in a more convenient way. The latter (not available in the unregistered version) will leave images and audio in their full quality, for more impressive presentations. more